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News & Events


CluesThe Hayner Public Library District is excited to announce a new mystery book club– "Whodunit?"!

The mystery book club is led by Downtown Library Customer Service Manager, Penny Noble, who has been an avid reader of mysteries for many years and wants to share that murderous passion with the library's patrons. 

This book club will be held in the Multipurpose Room of the Hayner Alton Square Library. 

Discussions are going to be interesting and lively as participants discuss the good and bad plot-points, writing style of the author, characters who were liked and disliked, and anything else everyone can come up with.

Even if mysteries have never been your favorite genre, this book club is sure to entertain. Be sure to check the library website's Events Calendar for the dates and times of this book club. Limit for the book club is set to the first 15 people who respond, so don't miss out on this opportunity. Call 618-462-0677, ext. 2848, to reserve your spot now!