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News & Events

Card Catalog Class Location Change

Please note: The location of the Wednesday, October 14, 10 a.m. class has changed. The class will now be held in the Genealogy & Local History Library, located at 401 State Street, Alton.

SHARE IconDid you know you can search our website for the over 10,000,000 items available for requesting and checkingout? Did you know that your library card account information is available for viewing online—and all of thisfrom the comfort of home? If not, we can show you how.

When accessing our website, you can: renew any items you have checked out, request items from any libraryin the system, see when your items are due, and see if an item is on hold for you, as well as many otheroptions. To help library patrons get started, The Hayner Public Library District’s own Mary Cordes, AssistantDirector of Circulation and Strategic Planning, will give a “how-to” presentation on accessing your accountand the online catalog, teaching you the way to do all the things listed above and more. Even if you know some or all of these things, feel free to attend, because you never know what new information you might learn.

There will be two classes with the same presentation: Wednesday, October 14, at 10 a.m. and Thursday, October 15, at 6:30 p.m., both in the Multipurpose Room at the Alton Square location. Please call 1-800-613-3163 to reserve your spot, since seating is very limited.

Please note: The location of the Wednesday, October 14, 10 a.m. class has changed. The class will now be held in the Genealogy & Local History Library, located at 401 State Street, Alton.